If I had a pound for every person who has ever said to me, “I hate having my photo taken—I always look terrible in them,” I’d have hung up my camera long ago. Instead, I’d be lounging on a tropical beach, with Brad Pitt serving me Cheetos off a golden platter. Reflecting on how much self acceptance could change the way we see ourselves in those snapshots.
And I get it. I am in no way immune to focusing on my flaws. But it’s time it stopped. Not just for me, but for anyone who has ever spoken negatively about themselves when looking at photos. So here are 3 things you can do right now to flip that script and start your self acceptance:
Are you aware of the language you’re using to describe yourself? Has it become so normal to be derogatory about your appearance that you don’t even notice yourself doing it? Awareness is the first step toward change so catch yourself doing it and stop before you get lost down the rabbit hole of being mean to yourself.
Imagine You’re Talking To A Loved One
What would you do if you heard your daughter/sister/wife/niece/friend saying horrible things when they looked at a photo of themselves? I’d hazard a guess you’d a) disagree with what they were saying and/or b) offer them reassurance and kind words. So set the example you want for them. Be kind to yourself. Kids in particular are listening to our every word and I’m sure you wouldn’t want them picking up your self-critical habits.
Practise Appreciative Looking
Let’s get real. It’s unlikely you’re going to go from “oh my God, look at my hair” to “Wow, I am looking pretty damn fine in that photo” overnight. It’s a process.
But once you’ve become aware of the horrible things you’re saying about yourself, STOP and try this little trick I learnt from the wonderful photographer and mentor, Wendy Yalom: “Next time you look at a photo of yourself, fins as many NICE things to say about what you see.”
You might only manage a “my nail varnish was on point that day” or “man, my ankles look great in that photo” at first, but keep practising and you’ll find more and more things to appreciate about yourself the more you look. I’m on a mission to get more people loving what they see in their photos so I hope these top tips help you. Let me know.